ChangeLog for SQG 0.9 - (03-03-03) -added gototable() function. This function rewinds the CREATE TABLE query file then reads up to the tablename which is passed as an argument. This prevents a lot of replicated code. -added where_clause() function. This function handles the WHERE clauses for update_query.c and delete_query.c -new -w, --verbose-where option added. With this option, you can choose the operator in the WHERE clause and have more than one clause separated with either AND or OR -improved parsing of the CREATE TABLE query file -updated documentation 0.8 - (01-14-03) - single quotes and backslashes typed by the user are now preceded by a backslash in the output so it will be inserted into the database without error. (ie: you type in "don't format c:\" the output will be"don\'t format c:\\") - long options supported now (see README for info) - new option added to program "--print-stdout". This prints the output to the screen. - fixed 3 bugs that affected program operation (see main.c, insert_query.c, and update_query.c in Module_CHANGELOG for more info) -updated documentation in docs/en/ folder 0.7 - (11-22-02) support for creating queries for multiple tables added. 0.6 - (08-13-02) now checks for SQL reserved words. A couple of bug fixes(see Module_CHANGELOG) 0.5 - (04-09-02) the -a option was added. It allows you to append the output file rather than overwrite it. insert_query() and update_query() do error checking for columns that are NOT NULL. Documentation in docs/en/ updated. 0.4 - (03-01-02) now makes DELETE queries bugfixes throughout the program new usage is "$sqg [option] [input file] [output file]" 0.3 - (02-02-02) finished the first version of the update_query() function. Updated insert_query() 0.2 - (12-03-01) fixed bug in insert_query() that did not allow single quotes around numerical datatypes 0.1 - (10-28-01) First version. This only makes INSERT INTO queries date in this changelog are in the format of DD-MM-YY