$sqg {OPERATION} [OPTIONS] [CREATE TABLE FILE] [OUTPUT FILE] ------------------------------------------------- Operation mode -i, --insert-query Make an INSERT INTO query -d, --delete-query Make a DELETE query -u, --update-query Make an UPDATE query ------------------------------------------------- OPTIONS -a, --append-file append the output file -p, --print-stdout print output to stdout -w, --verbose-where make verbose "where" clause(s) NOTES: 1) If you specify an output file when using the --print-stdout option then your queries will be stored to that file. If you only want your queries to be displayed on the screen without storing them to a text file, then simply do not specify an output file when using --print-stdout. 2) The options and operation mode may be placed in any order. For example, if you wanted to append the output file and print the output to stdout for an UPDATE query, you could do so with any of the following: $sqg -uap createtablefile.txt output.txt $sqg --print-stdout --update-query -a createtablefile.txt output.txt $sqg --append-file -pu createtablefile.txt output.txt $sqg -ua --print-sdtout createtablefile.txt output.txt There are other posibilties, but that should give you the general idea. 3) for the --verbose-where option, the valid "where" operators are =, <>, !=, <, <=, !<, >, >=, !>, BETWEEN, LIKE, IS NULL
If you have any additional questions, you may email me at 110983@lycos.com