This page was first created on January 4th, 2001 at about 12:10 AM(CST).
and updated on March 25th, 2001
The Text Search Utility is a program that(when complete) will be able to open and search
all text files on your hard drive, all text files in only one directory, or just one text
Winzip If you don't have an unzip program, then get this one.
Text Search Utility for Linux
Mar 25, 2001
There is a bug in Beta 3 and it has been fixed in Beta 3.1.
Mar 24, 2001
Beta 3 has been released and has a couple of new features. Check out the readme.txt file
for more info.
Mar 8, 2001
Beta 2 is out with a couple of new features. It now pauses when it finds more than 24 results,
so now you can see all of the results. Also, after the search is complete, it tells you how many
files your search was found it.
Jan 24, 2001
Beta 01 is out and as I promised, it does case insensitive searching. Stay tuned for new
features in the next release...
Jan 23, 2001
Added a new page: Text Search Utility for Linux
Since I am working on my site I'll tell you what I'm going to add in beta 1,
case insensitive searching!!!
Hopefully it will be released in the not too distant future.
If you have any suggestions or comments, please send them to