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SQG Gui Documentation

     Before you can use SQG Gui, you will need version 0.9 of the SQG command line program for Win 9x/2000/NT/XP installed on your system.  You can get this from the download page if you do not already have it.

Running SQG Gui the first time

      SQG Gui is a Windows frontend to SQG.  This program requires the 32-bit version of SQG which you can get from the downloads page.   The first time you run the program, you will need to specify the location of the executable file for SQG.  To do this, go to Settings->SQG Location.

SQG main screen

At the SQG Location screen, you can type in the full location(including drive letter) if you know it.  Or you can click the "..." button to find it with a common dialog box.  When you find the SQG executable, click the "Open" button and you will see it in the "New Location" text box.  Then click the "Update Location" button to update the ini file with the location of the exe file.  After succsessfully updating the location you can close the Update Location dialog box.

sqg location

If you have bugs to report or you still need help, leave a note in the forum.